Sunday, September 6, 2009

Knee Pain Update

I have had this stupid knee pain for awhile longer than I anticipated...I have asked for home remedies to try ( no online takers of the gift certificates) but have picked up a few from the locals...

  • Rub knees in Castor Oil
  • Soak a banana in Green Alcohol and apply to knees
  • Wrap in cloth soaked in Epsom Salts
  • Have more sex
  • Have Knee Replacement Surgery - ah NO!
  • Walk for exercise - uh NO ,knee already hurts,duh!
  • Have more sex
Well I have decided to become a bit more pro-active with this uncomfortable situation....My plan includes :

  • Membership at the Community Center for Walking Track,Swimming Pool and Dance Classes
  • Water Aerobics Class - 3 days a week
  • Really cool looking Speedo Water Shoes
  • Glucosamine & Chondroitin Capsules - twice a day
  • Calcium with Vitamin D - twice a day
  • Increase Water intake by 16 ounces = total 64 ounces
  • Have more sex
  • Decrease time sitting at Computer - this is a challenge
  • Spend 30 minutes a day in Fresh Air and Sunshine - also a challenge
  • Change pain thinking to Healed Thinking
  • Organize more Inventory - to prevent bumps and bruises as I move about my workspace
  • Spend more time with my Hobbies
  • Have more sex.....LOL
I will document my ups and downs as well as my progress....I have set goals to be met by year-end and being healthier is at the top of my list.....

Feel good my peeps!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Pre - Labor Day News

I am back home after a few days with my MOM...It is so hard to see her not feeling well...She is usually so vibrant...She is also aging as we all are...She says that being 78 is great until you get sick - takes too long to recover...and besides, how can she beat me at Scrabble if she is laying down...My Mom is quite computer savvy too...She has a huge flat screen monitor,loves Vista and her HP computer set-up......

I have learned so much from my Mom...It is she that taught me the value of education and always to continue learning....My passion for crafting came from her...I learned couture sewing and clothing design right along side her...When she took a Dress Design course by mail (many,many years ago) I took the course too...As she received instruction,she became my teacher....When she took Doll Making and Repair (again by mail) I was able to learn that too...However,I focused more on dress designs for Barbie Dolls and for my Audrey Hepburn Paper Dolls....

Mom has many published articles in Threads,Sew News and other magazines and newspapers...She once had a doll factory in Louisville,Kentucky,has been on television and taught soft doll making in Nashville,Tennessee....She is a Certified Genealogist and has traced her own family back to slavery....She is adding the finishing touches to her memoirs that span from her early childhood to present day...A lot of things change in 70 years......

Why am I writing about my MOM??..........I guess I am remembering how much I love her and how much she has shaped the person that I am...........Moms are great! and God paired me up with a goodie.........

Hug a Mom today....If you can't hug yours - hug somebody else's..........