Sunday, May 15, 2011


Today's church service was confirmation that all my thoughts are not dippy.....Yea me!!!

Lately,I have been thinking and talking about the things going on around me...the weather,human behavior,world news.etc....It's like WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON???

Today Pastor reminded us that we are visitors in this world...We are not supposed to look,act,think like the unbeliever...I often feel like an oddity because I do not look,act,think or do as others....I am a child of  The Most High and that lone fact makes me special....I am highly favored by God and it shows.....

Ever notice how whack the weather gets every time  a spaceship launches?...What really is the purpose of space travel? find a place to live when man has destroyed this planet? see if God created any other beings? spend a bunch of money that could better serve the people of this planet? touch the face of God?...what??

We have allowed God to be removed from most everything and everywhere and we wonder where the morality of people has gone...The Bible gives us instructions for living and we think we know better?...Now many of our children are spoiled,lazy,bratty,disrespectful,uncaring,mean and just plain nasty....What happened to spare the rod and spoil the child?...What happened to teach them in the way they should go?...What happened to the villages that helped to raise the child?....

Be forewarned - If your child is in my presence and acts like an Ass - I WILL attempt correction...I do not allow your child to show me his underwear - I am not interested,he or she can advertise their butt crack someplace else...I will not allow cursing,ill manners or general BS...I have the right to disallow crazy in my space...

and why is it so dang important to see photos of a deceased terrorist?...I am thankful for a thoughtful President Obama.... to shut down...storm coming,again....

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